Laws and Regulations
Selected parts of legal and internal regulations governing the structure of academic senates and elections to them and the appointment and dismissal of the rector and deans.
The powers and activities of academic senates of the university or individual faculties are regulated by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., Act on Universities. Here we also provide citations of the relevant provisions of this Act.
Academic senate of a public university
§ 8
(1) The academic senate of a public university is its self-governing representative academic body. It has at least eleven members, of which at least one third and at most one half are students. The members of the academic senate of the public university are elected from among themselves by the members of the academic community of the public university. Elections are direct, with secret ballot. The internal regulation of the public university determines, in particular, the number of members of the academic senate, the method of their election and the method of electing the chairman of the academic senate, the bodies of the academic senate and their establishment and the reasons and date of termination of membership in the academic senate and any incompatibility of membership in the academic senate with the performance of other functions. If the membership of a member of the academic senate of a public university expires before the end of his/her term of office and the internal regulations of the public university allow the performance of the function of a member of the academic senate of the public university by a substitute, the substitute performs this function only for the remainder of the relevant term of office.
The rector, his/her election, appointment and dismissal
§ 10
(1) The public university is headed by the rector; the rector acts and decides on school matters, unless the law provides otherwise. In cases where a special regulation presupposes the competence of a statutory body, it is fulfilled by the rector.
(2) The president of the republic appoints and dismisses the rector at the proposal of the academic senate of the public university. The proposal is submitted by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports.
Academic senate of the faculty
§ 26
(1) The academic senate of the faculty is its self-governing representative academic body. It has at least nine members, of which at least one third and at most one half are students. Members of the faculty academic senate are elected from among their ranks by members of the faculty academic community. Elections are direct, with secret ballot. The internal regulations of the faculty determine, in particular, the number of members of the academic senate, the method of their election and the method of electing the chairman of the academic senate, the bodies of the academic senate and their establishment and the reasons and date of termination of membership in the academic senate and any incompatibility of membership in the academic senate with the performance of other functions. If the membership of a member of the academic senate of the faculty expires before the end of his/her term of office and the internal regulations of the faculty allow the performance of the function of a member of the academic senate of the faculty by a substitute, the substitute performs this function only for the remainder of the relevant term of office.
The election rules of the academic senates of the individual faculties of the Prague University of Economics and Business are available on their website.
The dean, his/her election, appointment and dismissal
§ 28
(1) The faculty is headed by the dean; the dean acts and makes decisions in matters of the faculty, unless this law provides otherwise.
(2) The dean is appointed and dismissed by the rector at the proposal of the academic senate of the faculty.
(3) The rector may dismiss the dean on his own initiative, only after the prior statement of the academic senate of the faculty and with the consent of the academic senate of the public university in the event that the dean seriously fails to fulfil his/her duties or seriously damages the interest of the university or the faculty.